Saturday, May 01, 2010

I thought.

I thought I can see her.
I thougth I can kiss her.
I thought I can play with her.
I thought I can wear her with a new cloth that I buy.
I thought I can feed her with a lovely porridge that her grandma make.
I thought I can look her sweet smile everytime she laugh...

How could to this to me.
I mean..ur mum n dad.
This is all their fault.
Because not bring u this week.
They said want to come nextweek...but I'm not here.
How could...T___T

Rindu bangat sama Amirah Fatin..budak debot huhu..


Yani said...

Alaaa tomei-tomei....makngah nani boleh la jumpa baby this week ya. Baby waiting for makngah nani..yeay!!!

makngah nani,
aku juga x leh main2 ngan baby jjuga since aku dr kulim..uwaaaa...

z@ti said...

sy rindu aunty yani!!!<---amirah